News list for " onchain"

Arbitrum development team Offchain Labs launches on-chain innovation project "Onchain Labs"

Arbitrum development team Offchain Labs has announced the launch of Onchain Labs, an on-chain innovation project designed to support projects committed to justice and fairness, which will be experimental and unstable. In addition, Offchain Labs reminds community participants to conduct their own research (DYOR) before purchasing or interacting with any tokens related to the Onchain Labs project, and their role will be strictly focused on product and go-to-market recommendations. Offchain Labs al...

2025-03-18 00:05:39
Arbitrum开发团队Offchain Labs推出链上创新项目“Onchain Labs”

Arbitrum 开发团队 Offchain Labs 宣布推出链上创新项目划“Onchain Labs”,旨在支持致力于公平公正启动的项目,其持的项目将是实验性的和不稳定。此外,Offchain Labs 提醒社区参与者在购买与 Onchain Labs 项目相关的任何代币或与其互动之前进行自己的研究(DYOR),其角色将严格专注于产品和上市建议。Offchain Labs 还透露,第一个 Onchain Labs 项目即将面世。

2025-03-18 00:05:39
Alchemy推出Web3基金Everyone Onchain Fund,初期规模500万美元

加密支付解决方案提供商Alchemy宣布推出Web3基金Everyone Onchain Fund,初期规模500万美元,旨在为基于Alchemy Rollups和Account Kit的开发人员提供部署Rollup和用户入门所需的必要资源,目前主要支持在OP Stack和Arbitrum Orbit生态系统中构建的项目。

2025-02-27 15:00:07
某鲸鱼向币安存入 14,977 枚以太坊,价值约 4,057 万美元

据链上数据分析师 Lookonchain 监测,一个鲸鱼地址在过去 2 小时内向币安交易所存入 14,977 枚以太坊(ETH),价值约 4,057 万美元。 该地址自 2024 年 3 月 20 日以来已累计向币安存入 30,748 枚以太坊,存入均价为 2,939 美元。 目前,该地址持有 3,920 枚以太坊,价值约 1,057 万美元。

2025-02-24 18:25:58
过去 7 天 Tron 链上稳定币增加 8.25 亿美元

据 Lookonchain 监测,过去 7 天内,Tron 链上稳定币(USDT 和 USDC)增加 8.2451 亿美元,而 Avalanche 链上稳定币(USDT 和 USDC)减少 5.06 亿美元。

2025-02-24 16:15:18
Circle casts 250 million USDC at Solana Network

According to OnchainLens monitoring, Circle minted 250 million USDC again on Solana. So far, Circle 2025 has minted a total of 8.25 billion USDCs on Solana.

2025-02-24 13:55:41

据OnchainLens监测,Circle在Solana上再次铸造了2.5亿枚USDC。 到目前为止,2025年Circle已在Solana上铸造了总计82.5亿枚USDC。

2025-02-24 13:55:41
A new address bought 17,695 ETH at an average price of $2798.

On February 24, OnchainLens monitored that a newly created wallet had just spent 49.51 million DAI on 17,695 ETH, with an average purchase price of $2,798. Address: 0x3ac96134fb0e42a52d33045aee50b89790f05ed0.

2025-02-24 11:11:28


2025-02-24 11:11:28
A new wallet spends 49.51 million DAI to buy 17,695 ETH

According to OnchainLens, a newly created wallet spent 49.51 million DAI to buy 17,695 ETH at an average price of $2,798.

2025-02-24 11:08:24


2025-02-24 11:08:24
A new wallet spends 49.51 million DAI to buy 17,695 ETH

According to Onchain Lens, a newly created wallet spent 49.51 million DAI to buy 17,695 ETH at an average price of $2,798.

2025-02-24 11:02:20

据 Onchain Lens 监测,一个新创建的钱包花费 4951 万枚 DAI 以平均 2,798 美元的价格购买了 17,695 枚 ETH 。

2025-02-24 11:02:20
Bybit 已通过多种渠道回笼 44.7 万枚 ETH,接近弥补黑客事件缺口

据 Lookonchain 监测,Bybit 在遭遇黑客攻击后,已通过贷款、大户存款和 ETH 购买等多种渠道获得约 446,869 枚 ETH(价值约 12.3 亿美元)。目前 Bybit 已接近弥补因黑客事件造成的资金缺口。

2025-02-24 10:38:01
Update: 266,694 ETH have been bought since Bybit was stolen

According to Lookonchain, Bybit has purchased 266,694 ETH ($742 million) since the hack. Among them, 0x2E45... 1b77 (related to Bybit) purchased 157,660 ETH (437.82 million USD) from Galaxy Digital, FalconX, Wintermute via OTC. 0Xd7CF... A995 (possibly related to Bybit) bought 109,033 ETH ($304.12 million) from DEX and CEX.

2025-02-24 09:52:30